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LUGDUN ARTISANS - Testimonials & Customer reviews. Lugdun Artisans celebrity fashion jewelry. American Artisan handcrafted Sterling Silver Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces & Pendants.

It's a thin tapered ribbed band ring with a modern yet rustic design, that is beautifully edgy and certainly makes a powerful statement. Handcrafted in the USA, its centerpiece is Larimar (also called "Stefilia's Stone"), a rare blue variety of the silicate mineral pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic, in the Caribbean. 


Perfect for the modern day woman with a rebellious side, the distinct ribbed band design and color makes it a conversational piece, easily admired by all.


Adhering to the company’s basic principles, this beautiful ring represents all women with a quality piece that is handcrafted of solid sterling silver.


It's an excellent accessory for any woman’s casual and formal look. Whether you are an elite executive, or modern rebel, try yours out today. We know you won't be disappointed!


Women's Ribbed Ring | Sterling Silver

LUGDUN ARTISANS - Handcrafted rings and jewelry for Biker , Rocker and Rebl Men. Men's rin
Handcratfed Designer Jewelry under $259

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